Join us Sunday Morning In-Person or Online at 10AM

Welcome to our spiritual community, where we wholeheartedly embrace a positive and purposeful way of life. Many seekers describe finding Unity with us as feeling like they've come home. Our doors and hearts are open to everyone, and we honor and respect all paths that lead to the divine. Whether you're seeking connection with like-minded individuals or want to be part of our larger community, we have a variety of activities and events to support your journey. Join us and experience the warmth and support of our compassionate spiritual family.

Unity Worldwide  Ministries Statement of Social Action Position

This stand  is the foundation of social  action  in the Unity movement, where "social action"  identifies the actions we take for communal well-being.  Our collective  wisdom and creativity combine  to bring freedom,  peace,  love,  equity and justice  into the world, in ways we cannot  imagine when we are working  in  solitary and siloed ways. We are stronger together.

Our commitment to social action  means we are committed  to inspiring and encouraging each other in expressing  our Divine  Nature that we are Oneness  individually and collectively. When  we act from  our Divine  Nature, we boldly claim our Divine  ldentity moment  by moment,  choice by choice  through  the highest spiritual  principles in everyday situations.  It means we are called to make a difference in our larger communities, to serve, awaken, support and partner with anyone who faces injustice and oppression. 

Where there are divisions of opinions, beliefs and perspectives, Unity embraces and cherishes the diversity of, ethnicity, national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, and political perspective. This commitment extends to caring for our earth home and environmental sustainability. 

Where there is fear of another, Unity strives to foster a climate of purposeful inclusion, standing for everyone's right to create a life of their own choosing. 

Where there is oppression and hatred, we pledge to be an advocate for the well-being, respect and civil freedom of every human being.

Any action that seeks to discriminate against individuals or classes of individuals based on prejudiced, stereotypic profiles of national origin, class, creed, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation or gender identity is in opposition to the core beliefs and values established by our founders.

We are stronger together when we recognize the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. This is the foundation on which we stand when engaging in social action to demonstrate and live out our commitments to freedom, peace, love, equity and justice - our communal well-being.